Al VII - lea Simpozion International de Chirurgie Reconstructiva si Estetica a Sanului si Fetei
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Simpozionul International de Chirurgie Reconstructiva si Estetica a Sanului si Fetei
26-28 aprilie 2012, Timisoara
Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons
Brol Medical Center
College of Romanian Physicians
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes”Timisoara, Romania
Emergency County Hospital Timisoara, Romania
Ioan Lascăr
Ioan Florescu
Tiberiu Bratu
Dear colleagues and friends,
It is my pleasure to remind you about our annual spring meeting in Timisoara and to invite you to attend The VII-th International Symposium of Breast and Face Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery – TIMBFRAS 2012.
Starting in 2003 as a symposium of breast reconstruction, our scientific meeting enlarged its field of interest and attracted increasingly prestigious plastic surgeons to share their expertise.
Postmastectomy breast reconstruction is a well-accepted procedure, but markedly underused in Romania; every effort should be made to offer this option to our patients, by a multidisciplinary team approach. Achieving symmetry with the controlateral breast leads us to the more general frame of aesthetic breast surgery.
Based on the fact that the first course of ISAPS in Romania was organized last year in Timisoara, we decided to expand our boundaries and include also a very dynamic field of our activity, namely the reconstructive and aesthetic surgery of the face.
Prestigious faculties have already confirmed their participation to an event that promises to be an excellent opportunity for sharing experiences and improving the treatment options provided to our patients. Theoretical discussions will also be followed by live surgery transmissions from Brol Medical Centre.
For those of you who already visited our town, it will be an opportunity to enlarge your acquaintance with a beautiful city dressed in spring outfit; for those visiting it for the first time, we promise joyful surprises. Timisoara has a rich history, an international flavor, architectural heritage and friendly people, so we expect this congress to be another memorable scientific and social event on your agenda.
I’m looking forward to be your host in Timisoara!
With warmest regards,
Professor Tiberiu BRATU