Congresul Societatii de Lentile de Contact si Suprafata Oculara – RCLSO 2024
Afisari: 636Perioada: 8 - 9 Noiembrie 2024, Hotel Ramada Sibiu
On behalf of the organizing committee, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the Annual Congress of the Contact Lens and Ocular Surface Society, to be held at the Ramada Hotel, in Sibiu, from November 8th to 9th, 2024.
Continuing our tradition, the scientific program will cover a wide range of essential topics including lifestyle and ocular surface, updates on contact lenses, ocular surface pathology, dry eye syndrome, myopia control, and other subjects that significantly influence our daily practice. We value your professional experience and encourage you to actively contribute to the scientific program by submitting abstracts.
We are honored to welcome renowned experts from Romania and abroad, who will generously share their expertise in our field.
We hope that this event will provide opportunities to create beautiful memories, stronger friendships, establish new connections and facilitate the exchange of knowledge.
We look forward to meeting again in Sibiu for this remarkable event!
With warm regards,
Prof. Univ. Dr. Adriana Stănilă
President of RCLSO Congress,
President of the Romanian Society of Contact Lens and Ocular Surface