Al X-lea Simpozion de Chirurgie Bariatrică și Metabolică & Primul Simpozion Național de Chirurgie Robotică

Afisari: 2704

Perioada si locatie: 23-24 Noiembrie 2018, WorldTradeCenter, București, România

Temă: Chirurgia minim-invazivă: Muncă în echipă și tehnologie integrată, îngrijire mai bună pentru pacient

Președinte Simpozion: Prof. Dr. Cătălin Copăescu

Dear Colleagues, 

It is our pleasure to welcome you to the 10th National Symposium of Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery and the 1st National Symposium of Robotic Surgery. 

The National Symposium of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery, with a 10-year tradition and a very important scientific and educational role, has a significant contribution to the surgical practice in Romania and our region. As a result, during the last decade, there is evidence of an increased number of minimal invasive bariatric operations and a dramatic decrease of the associated complications. In Romania, the need for metabolic surgery development arises also in the context in which an effective control of the type 2 diabetes - affecting up to 1 million Romanians - is absolutely necessary. 

The National Symposium of Robotic Surgery is the first scientific meeting organized by RAES dedicated exclusively to robotic surgery in Romania. The Symposium aims to identify the current robotic surgery role in minimally invasive surgical treatment programs, while offering the opportunity to interact with a variety of specialists in urology, oncology surgery, gynecological surgery, abdominal wall surgery, metabolic surgery, thoracic surgery, pediatric surgery and other specialties. The Symposium is also marking the launch of the Romanian Robotic Surgery Club, a new chapter of ARCE, gathering all those who are interested in robotic technology.

Therefore, the theme of this important 2018 ARCE Event is “Current MIS: Team-work & Integrative technology, better care for patients” focusing the impact of the new achievements and trends in minimal invasive surgery (MIS) to our practice.The scientific program, the conferences, the plenary sessions or the master-classes and the hand-on courses are expected to be at high academic level, but in order to achieve this your contribution is extremely important!

We invite you to share your experience or add to your expertise in Minimally Invasive Surgery during the 10th National Symposium of Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery and the Ist National Symposium of Robotic Surgery.

Looking forward to welcome you to Romania to mark together another important step in the development of Minimally Invasive Surgery. 

Best wishes,

Cătălin Copăescu, MD, PhD
Symposium President

Organizatori :

Asociația Română pentru Chirurgie Endoscopică și alte Tehnici Intervenționale

Clubul Român de Chirurgie Robotică

Asociația pentru Chirurgie Bariatrică și Tratamentul Complex al Obezității

Surgical Training Institute

Susținut de International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO)



Management Simpozion: Ralcom Exhibitions,
